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Portugal semaine prochaine

MessagePosté: 03/08/2011 17:12
de jice
Hello des u-riders présents sur les spots Portugais la semaine prochaine ?
Guincho ? Viana ?

MessagePosté: 04/08/2011 18:48
de kustom
just back from viana. 4 weeks nonstop power wind :wink: ... -days.html
(also more Viana pics on that blog)

MessagePosté: 04/08/2011 21:05
de raphael
Your blog is very nice Kustom!!!
Eating, shaping, traveling...
Your eye on simple things make it more beautiful.

MessagePosté: 05/08/2011 07:59
de kustom
thanx Raphael
we shouldn't make life more difficult/stressfull than it is. just enjoi it,
and be happy with what you got!