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Modérateurs: manutzh, thomas, Ad

Messagede Damdam22 » 07/05/2009 21:31

What's the weight of such a board ? Is it rather lighter or heavier ? How does it compare to Ultralight construction such as the one Quatro does ?
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Messagede kustom » 08/05/2009 06:38

boards are light. (say between normal custom quatro and uthe ultra light)
the custom quatro ultra light is a little lighter(full carbon)... But you should know that those are mostly bought but japanese and russian customers, that just want to have the lightest around no matter the costs/strenght. I wouldn't recommend them for jumping-long livity. The normal edition is way stronger .

Ofcourse such a board is also easy to make in full carbon, but thats only a weight/cost thing. The performance of the board wouldn't be better. board is now made to offer also a perfect "flex-pop"

The thommen..
well the paper thin look through
bamboo veneer is only there for optical use. Another nice marketing story on their website and voila...
If you use some certain materials, you also have to addapt your shapes to it.
Everybody knows that flex/pop in surfboards is important.. Why is it that you don't here about it in the windsurf market?? is it that hard to realize it
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