Bientôt dans les shops 2024

La dernière ù*$^ù* de *ù$^* avec son super shape...

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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede Fock » 02/11/2021 14:56

Tout le reste de la Magic ou de l’Ultimate semble inchangé, donc ça serait pas logique de revenir en arrière.

Oooh pour quelques euros en - en prod et quelques un en + en prix public le tout sous couvert d'un discours marketing prônant le gain de légèreté, tout passe. Mais je suis d'accord, je trouvais l'initiative top, alors j'espère que ce n'est qu'un effet d'optique.

EDIT : pour éviter toute mauvaise polémique, je pense effectivement que c'est juste les straps qui cache le second trou (suis tombé sur une photos 2021, c'est pareil).

Dans le même esprit de bonne initiative, en 2020 JP avait baissé le prix de ses boards de mémoire, à l'inverse de l'ensemble des autres acteurs du marché. Sur le même thème, j'ai récemment compris la diff de prix entre Ultimate et Magic en 2021 : la construction.

L'Ultimate, c'est probablement le shape qui aura le plus changé de déco sans bouger d'un iota!
Enfin la Grip va commencer à faire concurrence.
En même temps ce n'est pas plus mal si ce sont de bons shapes ;-)
Dernière édition par Fock le 02/11/2021 16:34, édité 1 fois.
Un brin salé.
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede thomas » 02/11/2021 16:09

effectivement ils sont tout a fait capable de revenir en arriere pour faire qlq economies :-D

Chez fanatic apparement la 75 est exactement le meme shape depuis genre 5 ans et dixit un rider que je connais lui ne l'aime pas alors que c'est son volume principal ^^

Quatro/goya ont payé au prix fort le fait de ne pas avoir augmenté leurs prix entre 2020 et 2021 avec l'augmentation stratospherique des prix du transport les marges ont fondues. Je pense que JP a du souffrir aussi si ils ont baissé leur prix en 2021

Si vous voulez je peux copier coller les descriptif produits des brochures. Je trouve la nouvelle Goya Nitro tres prometteuse comme board de lightwind, les cotes sont alléchantes, le tail est peut etre un peu trop large pour la mettre sur le rail mais ca merite de s'y interesser
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede Anowan » 02/11/2021 22:30

thomas a écrit:
Si vous voulez je peux copier coller les descriptif produits des brochures. Je trouve la nouvelle Goya Nitro tres prometteuse…

Ha oui vas-y balance :smile:
La Nitro a l’air intéressante, dans PlancheMag il parle d’un shape compact pour conditions Européennes pourries avec une planche qui créé sa vitesse dans les vagues molles, tout en gardant suffisamment de potentiel quand les condices s’améliore
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede thomas » 03/11/2021 09:51

Nitro 3 Pro
Compact Thruster

A super short fun board for mushy waves. Or in other words, you will never again wait for conditions to get better.
You have seen these compact boards being tested by our team for a couple of years now, with the back strap almost off the tail and carrying Marcilio to the finals in Sylt in less than ideal conditions. Welcome to the launch of the all-new Nitro 3 Pro.

Two Years of development led to all new shapes and a revolutionary compact design with World Cup performance.
FG: Why did you take this long to bring your On-shore/Sylt boards to the market?

MB: I didn’t want other competitors to have it, hahah (joking). No, seriously, this was a completely new thing,
a complete undertaking and by far the boards that we made the most amount of prototypes over the last few
years. Early on, we had boards that were very fast on the top end, but they were still hard to ride, especially on
the front side, and I really wanted them to do it all, with an incredible low-end that would get me out and upwind
no matter what. So once we got the first part, which was the mobility and speed, they were missing that wavy feel,
so at that stage, I started taking them to Ho’okipa on the smaller days. This is what took the most time.

FG: What was your goal for this new line?
MB: I wanted something that will make terrible conditions fun to ride. A board that would maximise what I can do
on a 12-minute heat with small waves and light winds. So the goal was to have a board that would not only be
fast in a straight line but also be quick to get going in the middle of a beach break full of current, keep the speed
while bottom turning on the less powered surf and still being able to flow and get some good turns on. And for
free sailing, a board that will keep motivating me to stay out there even in less than average conditions.

FG: When did you realise that your job was done?
MB: The latest Nitros have the best low-end and top speed than any other board I have ever tried, and I loved
them on the waves. Especially mid-summer on Maui, some days the conditions were just terrible. They didn’t
motivate anybody to go sailing, except me, I was fully excited to go out. I stayed out for hours, barely planning on
my 5.3 on below waist-high waves side-onshore having the time of my life. All those days that people were were
looking into other sports, wings, foils, etc. Windsurfing was exploding for me. I just wanted to stay out longer
and keep progressing.

Double inserts on the back strap eliminate strap twisting.
Comes with the same trademark Dual Density pads as the
rest of the Goya Windsurfing waveboard range.
PWA World Tour Approved.
Pro Construction, Full Carbon & S-Glass Hull.
Bio Resin.
Available in 89, 98, 106 liters.
US Box 8” center, 3rd Gen. Slot Boxes 10 cm sides.
Available in Bright Red & Fluo Yellow.
High Density Full Double Sandwich
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede nicopen » 03/11/2021 10:07

Sur la vidéo faite par au défi publiée sur windsurfing 44 (cf lien ci-dessous), il semble bien que JP ait conservé les double inserts sur les modèles de vagues.
Du vent et/ou des vagues, c'est tout ce qu'il me faut ou presque ...
Carpe Diem !
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede thomas » 03/11/2021 10:13

Custom 4 Pro
Surfwave Quad

With two years of development to evolve from the previous boards chosen by Marcilio to ride on the PWA tour, we asked ourselves, could the Custom 4 Pro get any better? Yes, and they are now available.
The latest Custom 4 Pro from our world champions Marcilio Browne, Marino Gil and Francisco Goya. The Custom 4 Pro is the ultimate Pro Model custom wave board, as it is not just the shape but the same off-the-shelf board our team chooses to ride and compete on.
The outline on these new quads grew slightly in the nose and tail areas. Compared to the previous generation, the rail profile has been filled on the nose and thinned towards the tail. The new rockers were adjusted to balance those changes, incorporating a fast surfing rocker that can still fit into the curve of the wave, whilst maintaining the early planing that will accelerate into any ramp or turn.
Bottom shapes seamlessly transition from panel V below the mast foot for added rail to rail and off the top rebounds, to Double Concave between the stance for a faster slippery bottom shape and then fading into a Single Concave in the tail for the ultimate turns.
Rockers, inserts and constructions are customized to each size, suiting the rider and the conditions that the board will be used on, yet the Custom 4 Pro brings you the most rocker in the Goya Windsurfing board range.

Francisco Goya: What were you looking at getting from this new line? What triggered the design?
Marcilio Browne: I wanted the new boards to perform at their peak on a broader range of conditions. On the low end, each size had to handle a larger sail, feel less on-off, keep the flow at higher speeds and surprised me from being the first getting into a plane to my last turn on the wave, and across all conditions, from on-shore to double mast.

FG: What challenges did you come across along the development?
MB: The biggest challenge for these boards was balancing the outline between something that I could push hard on when the conditions started firing while reaching those great low-end perks. Once we got the outline, Keith started fine-tuning the rails and the volume distribution to bring it all together.

FG: What do you see differently on them?
The front of the board is fuller, giving me the confidence and forgiveness coming into any lip or diving nose-first from a back loop. The back rails are thinner, which allows me to come easily around the corners, even on the fastest bottom turns or for when I’m looking for a ramp at full speed over chop.

FG: What can we expect as we start riding on them?
This new line has an even better range than our previous models. They are more forgiving and only get easier to ride the faster and the bigger the waves get. They give me the confidence to keep accelerating into the move.

FG: How do you size them up with sails?
MB: With these new outlines, I can ride a smaller board with a larger sail, ideal for when the winds start getting lighter tours the end of the day, but the waves are only getting better. They also make me feel light and effortlessly the other way around, with a smaller sail and a larger board; This is my favourite set up for bump and jump, for when I’m looking for ramps but also wanting to maximise each wave and outlast those long summer days.

FG: Why not five boxes?
MB: Our concave bottom shape works best on Quad fins. Also, being a premium product, I wouldn’t want to add that extra weight and drag of the extra boxes.

FG: Any recommendation for straps/fin/mast setting?
MB: Play with it. I even ride them as Twins on the light smaller days when I want the board to flow and slide a bit more.

FG: When did you realise that you did your job?
MB: At some point after overflowing prototypes, I changed from driving home full of the ideas that I wanted to try to just want to have these boards on the back of my truck and go free sailing on them. That is when I knew that we had arrived.

Youth sizes (54 & 60): Inspired by the Goya Youth team and the 60 liter, a new 54-litre model has been added.
We felt we had to make our favorite boards available to the growing groms with tighter straps, narrower stance, and a further back mast track position to better balance the lighter, smaller, and most advanced riders. Ideal rider weights up to 60kg. Team:

Maria Morales.
Maria Morales Navarro E-737 Youth Vice-World Champion:
Home spot: El Medano, Tenerife. The 54 used to be my go-to board, with the 60 litre being my light wind favorite. As I grew up in the last year, things shifted, and now my favorite board became the 68. I like the lightness,
compact lengths and adjusted footstraps positions for riders my size.

Marino Gil E-959 Youth World Champion:
Home spot: Pozo, Gran Canaria. I travel around Morocco, Spain and the rest of Europe for freesailng and the world cup. I know that with the Custom 74 & 84, I can ride at my best in all the conditions these places can offer.

Smaller sizes & mid range (68 to 94 liters): Rockers remain in the mid-range between 30mm to 20mm of tail
rocker with small to medium rail thickness, with a growing stance from the smaller to the larger sizes. Boards are
used from our growing Youth World Champions to our Wave World Champions and Jaws riders.
Team: Maria, Marino, Luc, Marcilio.

XL sizes (104 & 114): Ideal for float and ride mode or for ultimate speed and low end with almost 1cm less of tail release than the smaller siblings, the 104 and 114 carry the agility of the smaller sizes into the XXL range.
Marcilio, Tom Hartmann
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede cg » 03/11/2021 11:23

Le modèle Eclipse en 5 lattes revient chez Goya en 2022...chouette !
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede thomas » 03/11/2021 18:48

ouais j'avais été supris en voyant le catalogue qu'ils remettaient une 5 lattes sur le marché, cela etant je pense qu'ils ont raison, il y a une clientele pour les 5 lattes notamment chez les freeriders/bump and jump vent fort.

Je ne sais pas si vous avez noté la petite phrase anodine de Jules a propos du developement et des protos du style "avec le covid on n'a pas pu developpé et faire fabriquer des protos du coup les planches n'ont pas vraiment evolué". Effectivement JP comme pas mal d'autre font fabriquer protos et customs des riders chez cobra dans un departement particulier et avec la fermeture/ralentissement d'activité qu'a subit l'usine certaines marques ont du se retrouver un peu à l'arret coté developpement.

Ceci expliquerait aussi peut etre pourquoi Fabien Volenweider a rouvert un atelier dans le sud l'an dernier
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede Fock » 03/11/2021 19:05

Yes j'ai tiqué sur la meme phrase!
Pour l'atelier de Fabien, aucune idée... son ancien atelier était dans une zone qui va être en travaux (restructuration d'un secteur par la ville)...
Un brin salé.
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede thomas » 03/11/2021 19:09

matos fanatoc duotone foil 2022 proto/serie

la board est mega epaisse du cul avec un pont un peu particulier

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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede heaven » 04/11/2021 05:20

Vu les photos, aussi. Mais j'ai l'impression que c'est la tendance de quasiment toutes les boards de foil: un cul large comme une formula, et épais comme une Lechner olympique ! De gros cut-away sur la carène...
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede cg » 04/11/2021 09:37

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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede thomas » 04/11/2021 11:14

la fringe aussi

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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede francois » 05/11/2021 15:06

Fock a écrit:Goya 2022/2023 en ligne sur un site allemand et dans le dernier PM ;-)

Banzai pro et X


Custom 4, 3 et Nitro
Dans les descriptif, la custom 4 est adaptée pour plus de "polyvalence" (nose + volumineux, tail affiné), la custom 3 est positionnée comme vague pure avec rocker un peu plus plat que la 4 (planing/cap donnés légèrement meilleurs que la 4 dans le light/on) et la Nitro 3 comme une board "world Waves" a priori à dominante conditions européennes.
Beaucoup des volumes +/- idem 20/21 pour les 3 et 4, 3 volumes (plutôt gros pour la Nitro 3).


La vache les coloris, ça flashe grave !! :onfire:
F195 - Mes feedbacks

Vends MauiSails carbone 190-240 + ailerons de slalom
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Re: Bientôt dans les shops 2022

Messagede francois » 05/11/2021 15:23

thomas a écrit:matos fanatoc duotone foil 2022 proto/serie

la board est mega epaisse du cul avec un pont un peu particulier


On y voit un peu plus clair ici, avec une vieux bricolage...


F195 - Mes feedbacks

Vends MauiSails carbone 190-240 + ailerons de slalom
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